Meet the Cohorts
These founders are leaders of high-growth, early-stage startups who are committed to solving meaningful problems as the next generation of business titans in Minnesota.
We treasure and support our alumni after the program as well - Lunar founders get a hype squad for life!
Interested in applying to participate in a future cohort?
Cohort 6 - 2023
Cohort 5 - 2022
Cohort 4 - 2021
Cohort 4 CEOs include a mix of tech-enabled companies and Lunar Startups’ largest group of retail products to date.
Cohort 3 - 2020
The third round of high-growth, early-stage startups to join Lunar Startups is the largest cohort yet. Companies were selected from an applicant pool of 90 applicants. More than 67 percent of Cohort 3 startups are led by a woman, 60 percent are led by a person of color, 33 percent are led by a woman of color and 7 percent are led by a person who identifies as LGBTQ+. Founders join a community dedicated to their success, including a year’s worth of coaching, resources, cash grants, and customized programming.
Cohort 2 - 2019
Lunar Startups Cohort 2 is based in the Glen Nelson Center at Osborn370 in St. Paul’s downtown core. Benefits of the 12-month cohort include ongoing visibility, education, stewardship, team development and dedicated space. Lunar Startups will measure success of the cohort based on the companies’ growth, including customers and milestones achieved. The following seven early-stage companies were selected from an applicant pool of 45 startups led by a diverse group of entrepreneurs:
Cohort 1 - 2018
Lunar Startups Cohort 1 is based in the Glen Nelson Center at Osborn370 in St. Paul’s downtown core. Benefits of the 12-month cohort include ongoing visibility, education, stewardship, team development and dedicated space. Lunar Startups will measure success of the cohort based on the companies’ growth, including customers and milestones achieved. The following six early-stage companies were selected from an applicant pool of 45 startups led by a diverse group of entrepreneurs: