Twin Cities Startup Resources

Minneapolis St. Paul has a growing list of resources, opportunities, and programs dedicated to supporting a more thriving business and startup community. In the words of #ForgeNorth, making our region the problem solving capital of the new economy. Here is a sample of those resources.

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Danielle Steer

If you’re an entrepreneur in the Twin Cities, there’s no shortage of events, panels, showcases, and workshops that you can attend. Similarly, both St. Paul and Minneapolis municipalities and organizations are building initiatives, steering committees, and coalitions dedicated to strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem. We are rich in talent and experts who are generous in sharing best practices, their success stories, and advice for building a business.

The problem is that if you’re queer, a woman, and or person of color, it’s few and far between that the panelists, experts, or committee members featured look like you.
At Lunar Startups, we think it’s a social capital problem. And we have a call to action.

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Danielle Steer